February Featured Artist: Ivan Jones


Author: UK Artists

At UK Artists, we take great pride in showcasing the incredible talent of independent professional artists nationwide. This February, we are delighted to introduce our featured artist, Ivan Jones, a pastel artist with a fascinating journey from veterinary science to the world of fine art.

Born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Ivan now resides and works in the picturesque Herefordshire countryside. His artistic journey began in his teenage years when a friend of his father’s introduced him to pastels. Remarkably, he still owns remnants of that very first pastel set. Though he pursued a career in veterinary science, earning his degree and working as a veterinary surgeon, his passion for art never faded. In fact, his deep understanding of animals adds a unique and insightful dimension to his artwork.

Ivan is captivated by the vibrancy and richness of pastels, a medium he believes is often underappreciated. His dedication to detail and three-dimensional effects is evident in every piece he creates. Working primarily from photographs, he undertakes commission work alongside producing a wide range of original pieces. Each artwork, measuring 12 inches by 16 inches, is meticulously crafted over 25 to 30 hours, reflecting his patience and precision.

Inspired by a variety of artistic movements and masters, Ivan admires the Impressionists, the Pre-Raphaelites, as well as renowned artists such as David Shepherd and Simon Coombes. His work is also influenced by many of his talented contemporaries, making his style both timeless and ever-evolving.

Whether capturing the essence of animals, landscapes, or other subjects, Ivan’s pastel artistry brings depth, warmth, and life to the canvas. His ability to blend technical skill with emotional resonance makes his work truly special.

We are thrilled to celebrate Ivan Jones as our February featured artist. To explore his stunning pastel creations and commission your own bespoke artwork, visit his profile on UK Artists today!

Artists Profile: Ivan Jones

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