Anna Phillips Open Studios exhibition05/08/2014Author:
Anna Phillips/Ann Brain (one artist, two names!) had her one day Open Studio as part of Warwickshire Open Studios on Sunday July 6th in Brinklow Community Hall. The hall committee had installed picture rails which made putting up the exhibition so much easier than having to transport screens, plus she was able to have access the day before in order to display her work. That Sunday saw the Wimbledon Mens' Final, the Rugby, the Tour de France and a local fete all taking place and she was afraid no-one would come. However she need not have worried as plenty of visitors came and also bought, with artworks sales very brisk. It helped that the WI were serving tea and delicious cakes - which they are usually happy to do for any event in the hall. She lets you all know as it is a very good venue and worth considering, especially as it only cost £44. Highly recommended. Contact details for Brinklow Community Hall: Geoff Lines 01788 832373 (12 Colledge Close, Brinklow ). Anna Phillips is a very well-known artist in Warwickshire and to see her stunning drawings and paintings under her name Ann Brain travel to her profile page or her sales page to buy works for sale. Anna had her roots in Coventry but spent her formative years in picturesque Warwickshire. She received her education in Fine Art from the Coventry College of Art, where she was under the tutelage of renowned artists Terry Frost, Michael Sandle, and Harry Weinberger. After earning her degree, she pursued a postgraduate year at London University. For a quarter of a century, she served as the Head of Art at Rugby High School for Girls. Anna is an accomplished artist creating drawings and paintings in her own distinct style. She served as the former chairman of the Association of Midland Artists and is also a member of Leamington Studio Artists and the Rugby and District Art Society. Her works are inspired by her deep love for the Warwickshire countryside, where she currently resides. |
Anna Phillips Open Studios exhibition |
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